Monday, December 17, 2012

Pause, Ponder, & Pray

Loretta's post below is very appropriate in the light of last week's tragedy.  May we each "pause, ponder, & pray" before we speak.

Col 4:6,   Proverbs 10: 19

I was listening to Robert Morris from Texas on “The Blessed Life,” and he was teaching on the subject of our words. His point was that words can be hurtful. His recommendation, and also the Bible’s recommendation, is that we pause, ponder and pray over what we say to people.  Now, in a conversation we know we can’t drop on our knees and pray in all circumstances, but we can start that day with that prayer for guidance in the use of our words.

Col. 4:6 says, ”Let your speech be with grace, seasoned with salt that we may know how to answer each other.”  This is a good start. Whatever we say, may the words be of understanding and compassion, truth, bringing encouragement and lifting that person’s spirits as the situation requires.

The Bible repeatedly warns us, especially in Proverbs, about talking too much. If we’re talking, we’re not listening and if we are not listening, we are not learning anything about another’s personality or needs.  Listening is one gift of Mercy that needs cultivation in the power of the Holy Spirit.

For the coming year, let us all pray for the gift of “listening” and count(reckon) on the Holy Spirit to use this gift in us.

As was said earlier, we can’t always stop and pray formally for right responses, but we can breathe instant prayers and perhaps there are times when we sense that the person talking would like us to pray aloud right then and there for their need.

Let us all be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading through the day as we listen to other’s conversations, problems and needs.                 


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012 Christmas Tea is coming!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Love & Fear

“Perfect love casts out fear.”  1 John 4:18a

Love.  American culture uses “love” for so many things:

We “love” God, our ball team, pickled beets (…at least I do, anyway), and, of course, we love our mamas.

What in the world is love???  That’s a whole different post, but one thing the Lord has been teaching me recently is a HUGE thing that love does
“Perfect love casts out fear.”

As I was reading through this Scripture the other day, I sat there and chewed on it for a few minutes.  The Lord gave me the best picture to illustrate how His perfect Love casts out fear – it was of a club, and LOVE was the bouncer.  And what does that bouncer do?  He escorts out the lowlifes that are causing trouble and does it none too gently. 

I asked the question, “Who is the lowlife?  Who is Fear?” 

My first thought was that it was the weasel in the corner. 
Nope, though, he wasn’t it.  So who was it?

It was the bully -- the guy paralyzing a girl with his threats; the guy keeping her from doing what was right; the guy making her feel like she was worthless or helpless.

Isn’t that what fear does to us?                                                  

It paralyzes us and somehow keeps us from seeing who we are in Christ and the power that we have in Him. 
So when we call on God’s Perfect Love (Jesus),
He comes over,
seizes that bully Fear by the scruff of the neck and the seat of the pants,
roughly ushers him to the door,
then hurls him into the puddle in the middle of the street. 

And then Jesus comes back to us, binds us up and brings us to wholeness and truth in Himself.

That's what Love does...for me...and for you.  Wow. 

Trusting Him,


Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Foodie Tip

Perhaps I am the last girl on the planet to learn this nifty trick, if so, be gentle in the comments!  :-)

How many of you shred chicken?  Whether we poach our chicken, grill our chicken or use a rotisserie chicken from Walmart or Harp's, we shred our chicken.  It's great for quick fajitas, chicken salad, chicken soup, you name it.  The drawback is the number it does on our hands as we use our fingers to pull apart that hot chicken or two forks to shred those breasts.

I have found a quick, easy, and painless solution, Ladies!

If you have a stand mixer, no longer must you slave over shredding your chicken!  Ta-daa! 

Two chicken breasts and just a few moments on medium-low in the mixer (with the paddle attachment), and you have perfectly shredded chicken.  Lovely! 

So the next time you need some shredded chicken for a recipe, or you go out and get some bulk chicken breasts through Zaycon and need to freeze some of that yummy goodness, pull out your stand mixer and put it to work!  (I did about 10 pounds of chicken breasts in just a few minutes!)

(A quick note -- be sure to watch it as it goes, or you'll end up with chicken paste.  Just sayin'.)

Til next time!

Trusting Him,

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Peace -- What is it?

Acts 12: 1-11

There is a beautiful story in Acts that I feel speaks to peace. Peter is a wonderful example in this portion of Scripture.

When we (people) have something on our minds, we tend to hash it over and over, sometimes worrying and fretting.

Not so with Peter.
From the shrinking coward in the denial of Jesus in John 18,
to the man who determined to return to fishing in John 21,
to the godly man of God,
                                                      Peter was a force to be faced.

He saw James, John's brother killed and knew that as he was arrested, his fate would probably be the same unless God intervened. However, he did not worry or fret. The Scripture says he was so sound asleep that the "angel" of the Lord had to slap him on the side to awaken him! He was chained to guards and had 4 squadrons (16) guarding him. I wonder why? He wasn't a real menace to society. They must have believed that God would do something?  Maybe they knew they were in the wrong for arresting him!!! Anyway, Peter was sleeping, as the old saying goes, "like a baby." Now that's PEACE of mind, heart and soul. God looked on that and rewarded with intervention.

Peter knew what sometimes you and I lose sight of, that is, God is always in control whether we see it or feel it! He doesn't always deliver the way we think He ought to (James died), but He promises to always be with us to see us through. WE CAN TRUST HIM. Everything that happens to us has to pass through HIS hands, therefore we can thank HIM for it.

L. Diz


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Giving Credit Where Credit's Due

Last week, I shared about the race that God had called me to run.  I’m afraid, however, that I didn’t emphasize enough where credit should go for accomplishing what the Lord called me to do.  Please forgive me for that. 

I need to let you know that the ONLY way that I completed the training and the race was by the grace of God – “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”  (Philippians 4:13)

I was never a runner…in fact, I quit basketball in 7th grade because they told me I was going to have to run track.  I am overweight (working on that) and have never run any farther than it took to grab one of my children whose curiosity got the best of them.  The idea of running even two minutes at a time was ridiculously intimidating.  When I started, I couldn’t imagine running three-plus miles!

So, each time that we ran, I reiterated to the Lord and to myself that what I was doing was for His honor and His glory.  “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  (2Cor 10:31)  That was my goal.  As we would jog the stretches that got longer and longer, I sang in my head, “Not to us, but to Your Name be the glory.” 

That’s all I wanted to say.  This endeavor is not about me, but about bringing the Lord glory, about saying, “I never, ever wanted to do this or believed that I could, but the Lord called me and took me farther than I ever imagined possible.”  If He will do this for me, He will do this for you!  Is He calling you to do something that you feel is way out of your league?  Trust Him to work in you to accomplish what He’s called you to do.  Really.  He’s truly trustworthy.

That’s all.  J
Trusting Him,

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cooking for a Crowd

As I walked in the church door Tuesday evening, I felt like I was back at my grandmother's house at suppertime. The smells coming from the kitchen made my mouth water & the smiles & hugs made me feel like I was coming home. Those who attended the HeartLife seminar 'Cooking for a Crowd' got a lot more than ideas for cooking for lots of people!

Lottie, Lou & Carla planned a simple evening showing by example how little effort it takes to show hospitality. They served fresh, hot, home made soups with tasty bread & crackers. Our dessert was sprinkled on the tables - every girl's favorite: chocolate! We served ourselves enjoying the great food & company.

As we finished eating we were very blessed to hear a beautiful trio, Angie, Becky & Carrie. I heard them twice in the evening - once as they practiced before the meeting & again during the program. I could have heard them sing many more songs, & I hope they'll sing together again soon.

Angie, Becky & Carrie going through their song once more before the program.
I am sorry for the quality of this photo but I had to include Carrie's sweet baby!

Our speakers each shared ideas on cooking for a crowd.

Lottie, Leah & Linda in the church kitchen of course!
Leah gave so many practical suggestions on serving lots of food in small spaces. She also talked about budgeting & how to feed guests on a small budget. I took notes & filed away a lot of new ideas to try. My favorite suggestions she had were ideas for serving tasty meats on a budget & making a vertical buffet instead of the traditional spread. She had some really gorgeous presentations.

Linda talked about the joys of cooking for others. We may decide to show hospitality in order to be a blessing but you can't share God's love without it reflecting back on you. Linda made me want to have a family of teenage boys over just to enjoy feeding them! I also took notes on Linda's potato salad - she says she doesn't really follow a recipe. I wrote down her list of ingredients & drilled her afterwards on how she puts it together. I'll be trying my best to copy it soon.

Lottie gave us such a clear picture of showing hospitality in spite of ourselves. I loved how she laughed at her cooking blunders & went on to enjoy her company. We laughed a long with her, & I realized people DO matter more than a perfect house or meals. Opening your heart & making people feel welcome really is the most important part of hospitality.

I left feeling so encouraged, with soup recipes & a “round tuit” - no more excuses, just do it!  I was also very happy to leave with a centerpiece! – a jarred soup mix complete with recipe, wooden spoon & autumn pot holder. I have a nice ham bone in my freezer, & I'm looking for the perfect opportunity to cook my soup.


Monday, October 8, 2012

My Own Race

“And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”    Hebrews 12:1c

Saturday I ran my first 5K!  “Ran”…I use that term loosely….runner, I have never been.

The day of the race, my dear friend and I lined up at the back of the masses, the gun sounded, and off we went. 
We stayed at the back of the pack…all the way through the race. 
And we finished last…dead last.

As I stood looking in my bathroom mirror after cleaning up from the run, chuckling that I was glad I finished the race, but not necessarily finishing as anyone else would want to finish the race, the Lord spoke to my heart – “You ran the race I called you to run.”  I wasn’t called to win the race or to beat anyone else.  I was called to run the race the Lord set before me.

It made me think of something I had seen on Facebook, “Comparing your life to what you read on Facebook or a blog is like comparing your gag reel to someone else’s highlights.”   Ain’t that the truth?  My gag reel of a life looks pretty messy compared to the highlights of many others’ lives.

What race has the Lord set before you?  We all have them, don’t we?  Some races are ones that we run with joy and abandon.  Others are races that we run with pain, each step slow and jarring as we trudge up the hill or slog through the valley.  “…let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.”  We’re called to keep on keeping on, not sprint to the end, not even compare how we’re running with the others in the race.

Whatever Your or My race is that is set before us, we are to run with endurance, not looking at how anyone else is running the race that has been set before them.  It does make it so much easier to run together, though.  So lace up those sneakers, and run the race that the Lord has set before you – maybe you can be the encouragement that keeps a Sister going when the race gets tough. 

Trusting Him,

Friday, October 5, 2012

Winter Flowers

Our first garden post!  Jenny is coming on board with a monthly garden tip for us all.  Her first post is about winter flowers, and hers are LOVELY!  I might try some this year. 

Trusting Him,

Winter Flowers

We're in the middle of my favorite time of year! From fall through the clear cold winter days & into spring is my favorite time to be outside enjoying creation. It's also my busiest time with so many things going on away from home. To be sure that I always get my daily reminder that God loves me through the winter, I plant winter flowers. As I go in & out, I see them blooming on my front steps. Through the fall they grow strong digging in deep roots to help them through the winter. When winter comes & sometimes covers them with snow & ice, I know they're under there waiting for warm days to push back out again. Even on cold clear days, they open their faces to the sun & shine to encourage me, and when early spring creeps in, they thrive again.

pansies & one small violet viola from 2008-09
My favorite flowers to plant for winter blooms are pansies & violas. Pansies have larger blooms but violas make more flowers. I break off the spent blooms two or three times a week so they bloom even more. Plant them in a container with good potting soil or in the ground in your garden beds. Add Jobes or Miracle Grow plant spikes for healthier plants & more blooms. I usually put 5 to 7 spikes for each container. Make sure they're kept watered through the winter if it doesn't rain or snow, & let them remind you that God's love for you gives you flowers through the winter.

freshly planted yellow violas

Monday, October 1, 2012

If I Can See It, It's Not Faith

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1
A famous tightrope walker had strung his rope out over Niagara Falls.  People came from miles around to see him make it safely from one side to the other.  He asked the crowd, “Who here believes that I can make it across safely?”  People cheered as most of the hands shot into the air.  He then asked a second question, “Who wants to sit in this wheelbarrow while I push it to the other side?”  Not a hand was seen, and crickets could be heard chirping through the silence.  They “believed” him, but they didn’t trust him.

Aren’t we like that?  “Lord, I believe your promises!”
He replies, “Great!  Step out of the boat…stretch forth your hand…take up your bed and walk….go fish for a coin….”

And all of a sudden, we have something else that we need to be doing somewhere very far away.
I was 33 when I got married, and I let my husband know that I needed to keep XXXX amount of dollars in the bank as a cushion for me to feel secure.  This past year, the Lord led us to leave my husband’s job and move to my hometown…with no job.  We were to go into full-time ministry, but not with an organization.  How does that work???  I really don’t know, except for the fact that several times through this last year the Lord has asked me, “Where is your trust?  Is it in Me or is it in your bank account?”

God has promised that He will provide.  My part is to have faith, and I’m learning that faith means I can’t see how it’s going to work out.  If I can, it’s not faith.  Simple enough to say, but so much more challenging to live.

“I believe!  Lord, help my unbelief!”

Trusting Him,


Monday, September 24, 2012

Not the World's Peace

"I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So don't be troubled or afraid."  John 14:27

Peace.  Everyone wants to be at peace.  We seek peaceful moments and places, peace of mind.  Peace seems to be the absence of things – strife, worry, conflict, anxiety.

I felt the same way until recently, and then the Lord used Philippians 4:13 to enlighten me – “And the peace of God…will guard your hearts and minds….”  Guard my heart and my mind?  What is that all about?  All of a sudden, the passive peace, the absence of strife, worry, conflict, and anxiety didn’t cut it.  That wasn’t Godly peace. 

God’s peace is active.  It’s working for me, on my behalf, to guard my heart and my mind – the seat of my emotions and the seat of my reason.  Being a sci-fi nut, I envisioned God’s peace being a force field, an invisible shield around my heart and my mind.  It is continually keeping thoughts of God, His Word, and what He’s done ever before me as it simultaneously repels strife, worry, conflict, anxiety, bad attitudes, thanklessness, and other harmful things that beset me.

Always remember, God is for you, and His peace will guard you if you will let it!
In Him,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our Next Seminar!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Be Still

“Be still and know that I am God.”

Life is loud. 
Even if we stripped away
…the tv and radio
…the dishwasher
…the washing machine & the dryer
…the mixer
…the vent hood over the stove
…the timers
…the phones
We are still surrounded by
…bodies moving about
…children laughing and crying
…bare feet slapping across a hard floor
… a page scraping as it turns
…computer keys clacking
…the sniffing of a runny nose
and these are just the noises we make ourselves.
So how are we able to obey and “be still?”
The best time for quiet, for me to be able to be still is before everyone else gets up in the morning.  This is pretty early – my daughters are quite the morning people and tend to be up between 6 and 7.  The girls are about 3 and 1.5…so there’s no leaving them to their own devices!
So when do I have to get up?  Early.  Stinking early.
I tried for eight weeks…maybe longer, to get up early so that I could “Be still” and know that He is God.  And for eight long weeks, my batting average was HORRIBLE. 
And I beat myself up…daily.
And then Grace stepped in and said, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
“[You] can do all things through Christ who gives [you] strength.”
I finally gave in.
I told the Lord that I wanted to be with Him in the quiet, but if He wanted me up, He was going to have to wake me up!
And He did.
I set my alarm for a time that I thought was reasonable.  He woke me up earlier to a baby crying. 
“It’s too early!” I thought, as I crawled back into bed after getting her down. 
So He got me up again.  I stayed up that time.
The next day, He woke me up earlier…and I cooperated that time.
And now, it’s getting easier. 
It’s worth it.
And I am able to “Be still and know that [He] is God.”
And it is good.
In Him, Carrie

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hospitality -- This Summer's Lesson

I was never the great immaculate housekeeper.
·         Dishes?  It’s a constant struggle to stay on top of them.  (I have to remind myself that dirty dishes are a sign that my family has plenty to eat, and I am thankful for that!) 
·         Mopping?  Not my forte.  When did that happen last?  Don’t ask, and don’t look too closely at my kitchen floor! 
·         Dusting?  My mom has lovely glassware that has not been dusted in the year that we’ve lived with my dad…I don’t know that it’s been dusted since my mom died!
I have three kids that are four and under, and I have realized that my time with them is so very brief.  As long as we’re not living in filth or a complete mess, I try to let it go.  (Mama needs clear floor spaces to maintain a modicum of sanity!) 
I know that for some, a spotless house is something they do well, and I am happy for them.  It’s never been my strong suit, though.
How does this play into hospitality?  For a long time, I put off having people in my home if I was not going to have time to achieve the “spotless” house.  And if someone should drop by?  Heavens!  I would vilify myself before them and apologize profusely for the disarray of my home.
Well, the Lord’s been breaking me of what has been, for me, a self-centered viewpoint.  Hospitality is not about the state of my home.
It is about being welcoming.
It is about sharing Jesus love.
It is about developing community and family.
This summer, the Lord has had me call people at 5:00pm on days that I was not expecting to entertain to ask people to dinner.  One night I even posted an open invitation to dinner on my Facebook page…at 5:45p.m.! 
This is not about me…and I guess that’s the point.  I have to get over myself, and what I want people to think of me in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
So, if you want to come to dinner, the house might not be clean, and it might be 8:00 before we eat,
…but the fellowship will be sweet.
…there will be enough (if you go away hungry, it’s your own fault!).
…and you will be welcome. 
Just call before you come, ok?

In Him, Carrie

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Open Heart, Open Home Seminar September 11

Real hospitality does not require a tablecloth or china,
but a heart to serve.
Come learn some ideas for practicing hospitality from
Rosanne Petton, a pastor's wife
who has been opening her home to others
for over 35 years.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 6:30

Thursday, August 30, 2012

2012 Salad Supper Photos

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Annual Heart Life Salad Supper

Ladies, it's time for the annual Heart Life Salad Supper. Join us for the unveiling of the 2012-2013 theme and get your copy of the annual Heart Life booklet with all the dates, events, and ministries for the new year. Bring your favorite salad or dessert and come for a fun and informative evening. You might even win a door prize!

For more information, email Childcare is available by signing up at the Heart Life table.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Live Sent! -- Acts in August

    Our very own Laura Macfarlan was the keynote speaker at the Arkansas Wellspring Conference for Women in Little Rock last weekend. As a follow up to the Live Sent theme, Laura issued a challenge to those in attendance to read through Acts in August. She will be making a daily post to her blog on the call to Live Sent, as she shares a devotion from the book of Acts. Even if you didn't attend the conference, you are encouraged to accept the challenge! You can read the first day's blog post here:

Details on the 30-day challenge:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Team Alaska 2012 -- Please Pray!

Team Alaska includes ten women who will be working with Alaska Missions during Week 1 of Salmon Frenzy. Alaska residents flock to the beach to dip net while the salmon are running and we will be there to serve them -- and their children -- in a variety of ways and to share the love of Christ. Here are some specifics to pray:
  • Logistics -- Our team encountered delayed flights leading to missed flights, re-routing, etc. last year. We hope to repeat none of that this year.
  • Camaraderie amongst our team -- that our team would love and support each other, work well together, and be team players with the other volunteers, as well. Our team last year came home with a special bond that we hope to see repeated. (We have five of the ten from last year returning and five new ladies).
  • Physical energy -- We serve long days on the beach and the sun does not set until after midnight, making it difficult to sleep. We want to have the stamina of the proverbial energizer bunny!
  • Wisdom -- to know when to be bold in our speech and when to speak with our actions
  • Fruit -- What a blessing it would be for the Lord to allow us to see eternal fruit from our ministry!
  • Families -- Please pray that our families function well in our absence.
  • Preparation -- Please ask God to prepare our hearts to serve unselfishly and to prepare the hearts of those we serve to see and ponder something different.
  • Weather -- Pray that the weather is amazing. This was the case last year -- as we heard comment after comment about how "It is never like this!"  We were able to smile & say, "We've been praying for good weather for months."
  • Fish -- Pray that the salmon are coming in abundantly -- again, this was the case last year and we were able to share our prayers for the fishing.
  • Personal blessings -- that God would reveal Himself to each of us in unexpected, but delightful ways during this trip.
Please pick up an Alaska encouragement card 
and write a note
(or notes) to a specific team member
and leave at the Worship Center.
Thank you, dear praying friends! 
All for Jesus and with love for Alaska,
Heart Life Mission Team 2012 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Clutter Busters: Recap

 72 women attended Clutter Busters: Walking in Freedom
All of Janine's hints were well received and very helpful.  
There were many positive comments afterwards, and everyone seemed to want to go home and clear out!  

Thank you to everyone who made this event the success that it was!

Monday, March 26, 2012

SheCooks: Recap

Ingrid, a member of the HeartLife Team, organizes monthly cooking events called SheCooks.
The ladies get together and cook as a way to serve others.

 "Cooking together is a fun way to spend a day with friends and the end result is delicious meals to serve our families plus some to share.  Each woman planned to share a meal to show Christ's love to someone."

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Clutter Busters: Walking in Freedom

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sugar N Spice:Cinnamon Roles

Several ladies enjoyed learning the art of cinnamon roll making from Edalyn Low. Edalyn has been making bread and rolls for a long time and says she learned the art from watching her grandmother. 
The ladies had such a wonderful time of fellowship!
Thanks, Edalyn.

Friday, February 24, 2012

BBQ Dinner!

Get ready & Be sure to mark your calendars for March 13th from 6:30-7:30.

HeartLife will be hosting a BBQ dinner in order to raise funds for the upcoming Alaska Missions Trip.
The event will be a carry out, dine in, bake and serve auction.

Tickets are $10 each for those who want to dine in,
or $75 for a table of 8.

Pick up your tickets in the Worship Center before and after the Sunday service!
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