Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Foodie Tip

Perhaps I am the last girl on the planet to learn this nifty trick, if so, be gentle in the comments!  :-)

How many of you shred chicken?  Whether we poach our chicken, grill our chicken or use a rotisserie chicken from Walmart or Harp's, we shred our chicken.  It's great for quick fajitas, chicken salad, chicken soup, you name it.  The drawback is the number it does on our hands as we use our fingers to pull apart that hot chicken or two forks to shred those breasts.

I have found a quick, easy, and painless solution, Ladies!

If you have a stand mixer, no longer must you slave over shredding your chicken!  Ta-daa! 

Two chicken breasts and just a few moments on medium-low in the mixer (with the paddle attachment), and you have perfectly shredded chicken.  Lovely! 

So the next time you need some shredded chicken for a recipe, or you go out and get some bulk chicken breasts through Zaycon and need to freeze some of that yummy goodness, pull out your stand mixer and put it to work!  (I did about 10 pounds of chicken breasts in just a few minutes!)

(A quick note -- be sure to watch it as it goes, or you'll end up with chicken paste.  Just sayin'.)

Til next time!

Trusting Him,


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