Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gifted for His Beautiful Purpose

"Spiritual Gifts, These are the supernatural graces which individual Christians need to fulfill the mission of the church.[2][3] They are described in the New Testament, primarily in 1 Corinthians 12,[4] Romans 12,[5] and Ephesians 4.[6] 1 Peter 4[7] also touches on the spiritual gifts"

As I was praying this morning for the upcoming HeartLife Spiritual Gifts Seminar to be held this Saturday, March 8, 2014, I was struck with this thought; "If we don't know our own Spiritual Gifts how can we ever live up to His purpose and plan for our lives?

 A few years ago I was in a bible study and the leader taught on this very thing.  After we had studied the gifts she asked us to consider what we thought our primary Spiritual Gift was and she asked if we thought we had a secondary gift as well.  She had us write it on a piece of paper.  She then went through the gifts as listed in the bible and asked other ladies to comment on what they saw as the gifts of the other ladies in the group.  Sometimes what the group saw as the gift was different from what the individual saw in herself.  I think sometimes we want to choose our own gifts and so we try to operate in a "giftedness" that we don't possess.  We then become frustrated and overwhelmed and lose heart.  Sometimes we become envious or feel defeated.  When we know what God has specially created and gifted us to do then we can begin to be more aware and we can start making life choices that lead us on His path to fulfilled purpose. 

In a few weeks I will be going with a group of women to the McPherson Women's Prison on mission for the second time.  This time though, I am more aware of my spiritual gift of Mercy and my role as an "His Encourager".  I won't fear or worry or be envious of my sisters with the primary gift of Exhortation, because I know that there will be women who need us all.  God calls me to tell the broken and those filled with shame that He is God of Restoration and Hope.  He is God of new beginnings.  He is the Binder of Wounds and the Mender of Broken Hearts.  I can do that!  I can do it because He has gifted me to show His heart to others.  
Stop and really consider what God would do in us and around us if we were all operating within His will and fully utilizing His gifts!  

The HeartLife team encourages you to come and join us Saturday.  Come and hear what God has laid on the hearts of Cassie Perryman and Sheree Crandall and begin the journey to fulfilling His wonderful and precious purpose in your life!  We've extended the deadline for buying a ticket because of the weather. You can buy one at the church office until Thursday, March 6, 2014, during office hours, or buy at the door.  However - we still need to know if you're coming. We're busy this week planning menus & buying food for our two light  meals & we want to be sure you're included! So e-mail or call the FBC office and get your name on the list!  

Child care sign up needs to be done through the church office by Thursday.


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