GOD is so rich in mercy, and He loved us so much….” Ephesians 2:4
love this verse. Paul is reminding us as to what we once were before our
salvation – that we were once dead, destined for eternal separation from God.
Then Paul says, “But God….” Sweet words
to a yearning hungry soul! He then goes
on to explain in verses 5-10. Think of
it, life forever with God the Father, Jesus Christ, His Son and our Savior and the
precious Holy Spirit. What a future we have!!!
And to think it is none of our “doing” and all of God's, as verses 8-9
declare. Our only work is that of “faith.” Just to take Him at His word and believe that
He has saved us. As someone has said, “God said it and that settles it.”
Paul also reminds us that He created us for “good works” that we might walk in
the ways He has prepared for us (vs10) after we accept His sacrifice for us.
That is, to “behave what we believe” as Mrs. Wesley told her boy John.
4 says He has great love and mercy for us even while we were yet sinners, and
He still does after we believe. What a word of assurance!!! With grateful hearts, we can walk in those
good works and tell what Jesus has done for us.
Yes, I love the
words, “But God...”
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